Sunday, 7 August 2011

Cell Phone Voice Changer

Cell Phone Voice Changer, This device combines the safety and convenience of a hands-free cell phone device with the ability to disguise your voice. One setting allows you to speak on the phone while using your hands to drive or do other tasks. When using one of the four different.

Cell Phone Voice Changer, I thought this product would be better than what it actually was. I thought it would help distort your voice in different ways, not necessarily comical ways like it did. I wish the seller had more information posted about what the product does, and what types of voices it made. If they had better info I could have made a wiser decision.

Features Cell Phone Voice Changer
  • Compatible with most US mobile phones
  • 4 Voice change options
  • 30 Hour battery life in voice changer mode
  • 3V CR1616 battery (included)
  • 62dB microphone
Product Selling >>> Cell Phone Voice Changer


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