Monday, 25 October 2010

Child Safety towards Mobile Phone Use

Mobile or Cellular Phones has now become a part of our daily life where we use it to communicate with our families, friends and business partners. The only risk that can provide us is with our family specifically concerning about the safety of your child.

Your child can almost perform several tasks on his or her phone such as receiving calls, text messages, emails, instant messages and even surf the web. The most dangerous part is that your child might come into contact with strangers that have bad intentions. The web provides more risk where more security measures are needed because access to sites such as for adults only and any other obscene material are easy to find.

Children often tend to lose or misplace their things around but this can be prevented through the GPS function where you can easily locate the phone and your child’s location as well. Most manufacturers also offers some insurance where you can prevent misusage of the phone incase that it has been stolen by a certain individual who intends to use it on any criminal activity.

Your child doesn’t have any idea about money where they can use their phone as much as they want and enjoy. This will cause on your part to pay huge amount of monthly bills. Anyway, it is your responsibility as a parent to teach them how to be aware about money and the cost of spending too much use of their phone.

Today’s mobile phones are now capable of browsing the internet and I have already mentioned above that your child can access adult sites and they may come into contact with strangers. The best possible solution for this is to ask your internet service provider to disable the internet function so that your child won’t be exposed on such explicit websites of the internet.

You might not still be aware of what your child is capable of accessing and receiving information that can cause harm for them. It’s always best to know everything about the mobile phone’s services where you can ask them on the telecommunications company about the features of the phone.

In purchasing a phone for your children, you should consider the features that have safety precaution suitable for them where some has already been discussed on this post.


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