Monday, 15 November 2010

Life Span of your Mobile Phone

Each year, new available phone are released where the old model are to be replaced especially when the life span of your hand-set has been reached. The average period that your unit will guarantee to work is not less than two years. Try and imagine how many products are produced alone on this type of electronic gadget. There are hundreds and thousands of tons that are accumulated each year that can result into the pollution of our environment.

Today, there is an estimate of around 500 million waste products from a mobile phone that populates the landfills. The manufacturers have taken notice about this issue where they made some changes on their business to avoid further pollution our environment. Some of the top manufacturing companies are now offering trade-in or exchanging your old unit into a new model. This can either be working or permanently damaged. Other simply allows you to donate your old phones or trade them for a small amount of cash.

If you are one of the environmental friendly individual then you can support the campaign where you can save the planet and at the same time you can even make some cash. This concept is not yet available world-wide and it is currently implemented in the UK where you can access various companies’ online offering recycle or trade-in for your old mobile phones. You will be able to determine the exact amount of the price of your old hand-set by simply typing the date of creation and model of your cellular phone. The next step is to send your unit in exchange of cash or to upgrade it into a newer model but with some additional cost.

Donating your unwanted mobile phone to the charity is also acceptable. It will undergo through a series of operation on a certain factory before the money are to be sent to the charity. Sometimes, working phones are collected by the charity group and they are given to the children and senior citizens who just can’t afford to buy their own. Donating procedure will require you to download a form together with the free post label which will allow you to ship the phone via mail delivery.

You have to take note that before sending your mobile phone into the charity make sure that you have cleared any information contained on your hand-set. Delete any contacts, text messages or any records of phones calls because these can be used in a wrong way.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Features of the BlackBerry 9700 Clone

Nokia is one among the top Mobile Phone brand on the market but it is the most commonly imitated or cloned phone from China. I have a few cellular phones made from China and I find them as good as the original product. The only downside is that you cannot install any new theme and application on them.

If you happen to read my previous post about the BlackBerry 9700 then this discussion is a further review about its features. It’s really good to know that imitated versions are becoming much better than the original.

Moreover, cloned version of the BlackBerry 9700 has a TV feature that comes with an auto-search function. You have to select your country from the settings before conducting a search. A progress bar will be shown indicating the number of scanned channels that are available on your location. Before conducting any searches, you have to pull-out the antenna which is located at the bottom to receive the best reception.

BlackBerry 9700 Bold China Phone

The phone also has an FM radio and you can search for a station automatically. The antenna is also required to be pulled-out to gain the best signal reception.

Just like the original, the BlackBerry 9700 clone perfectly imitates the keys and design to be almost exactly the same. You can easily input the characters without waiting any time delay. This is because the keypad composes of button keys similar to your computer keyboard.

The camera is the worst part of this mobile phone where the quality of image and video captured are very disappointing. You can either choose the back or rear camera depending on your comfort of use. If you intend of taking a picture of yourself then I recommend using the front lens. Use the back camera for taking shots of your family, friends, objects and a place. I’m sure that the camera will also be soon further improved.

This mobile phone can also play various types of audio files such as the mp3 and mp4. The same goes with the video files where you can copy your favorite clips, MTV, and movies to play and watch them comfortably. You just have to make sure that you have a phone memory with enough space to store those files.

The original file Manage Software does not work on the cloned version. This is the only tool for all BlackBerry phones that allows installation of applications, themes and games. However, the imitations of the BlackBerry 9700 have the capability to run java applications. This allows you to play any type of games that supports the java platform. As to the theme and application, it’s too sad to say that you cannot do any changes or installations.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Bluetooth Spy Program for the Safety of your Children

Do you know how to use the Bluetooth function of your own Mobile Phone? If not then you are not using the full feature of your gadget. Most latest hand-set today has the capability to let you share files such as music, videos and images to another phone. The technology is known as the “Bluetooth” and it is an enjoyable feature that you must learn how to use.

The best part of using the Bluetooth Technology is that you can always keep-in contact with your children and you will be aware on where they are currently playing around. If you don’t have any children then you might as well used it with your boyfriend or girlfriend and perhaps to you favorite pet.

Parents are the once that are highly recommended to use such technology because they can completely supervise their children even when they are at a distant location. They will be able to acquire information regarding about their child’s whereabouts. You might be surprised to know that the Bluetooth mobile technology is capable of saving lives especially your love once.

Any Mobile Phone with a Bluetooth Spy Program has the ability to track another phone via Google Maps. Such situation that you can rely on this technology is when your child got lost. Of course there are other available options that you can do such as calling his or her phone. If it happens that you do not receive any answer then don’t panic by calling the authorities. You might never know that you child is currently at his or her friend’s house.

Simply log into the google’s website and track-down the location of your child’s mobile phone. This time you will know what you really need to do. If it happens that your child is at a friend’s house then you can make a regular call and ask the reason. You will only be alarmed when you found out that the location of the phone is on the other side of the town. On this kind of situation you need to call the authorities.

Other feature of the Bluetooth technology is that you can also receive any text messages that your child receives which ensures you about what kind of people are he or she hangs around.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

How to Trace a Mobile Phone Location

Tracing the location of any Mobile Phone before is very impossible and you might just end-up with zero result on your searches. If the phone used is a landline then there is a high probability of locating the exact address because the number can be found on the list of directories. A cellular phone is of a different case because it does not have any reference that you can use as compared with that of the land line.

This limitation has been finally solved through our technological improvements due to the issue that it is being used by most criminal activities. The authorities are now able to track any mobile phone that is making a call, sending text messages or simply actively ON and receiving signal. Another difference why the Land-line is a lot easier to track is its stability where it simply stays at one place. The mobile phone allows you to move at any location that you wish to go and this makes the tracking procedure more of a challenge.

We now currently have the technology which is called the “Triangulation”. Cellular phones will normally send “pings” to the nearest network indicating that they are on that area of coverage. The signal strength will be at full bar when you are close to the network and you can make a call at anytime you wish.


The process of the triangulation works when your cell phone sends a ping to all available mast that provides signal. However, it only requires the two nearest masts that provide the highest strength of signal and these are the two points of the Triangulation. The third point is your phone itself.

When the phone that you are trying to track has made a call, it will send pings to the networks around the area forming a Triangulation. The exact position of the individual cannot be determined because they can move to another location but you will acquire information about the area such as the City, Street, block and etc…

Another interesting method for tracing a mobile phone’s location is by using the Google Latitude service. You will be able to track down the exact location of your wife, child or friends across the globe. But, you can only track them if they are a registered user of the Latitude program. It is completely amazing about what this program can do. You will be able to tell where your friend spent his or her time last night or find your child’s lost mobile phone.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Let an Expert Technician Repair your Mobile Phone

Almost every individual around the world posses their own precious mobile phones especially those that have serious business to deal. Whoever you are, there is always the need of owning a cellular phone where you can always try to contact your family and friend for comfort or some important matters. Such complicated technology has already engulfed our daily lifestyle where it’s already impossible to live without this device.

We are now totally dependent on our Mobile Phones but there will be the time where they show some symptoms of malfunctions. Some key-buttons will no longer work when you try to input a certain character which can just be one problem that you might encounter. The worse problem is when the display doesn’t show any form of images or sign that it is still working. On this condition, you need to bring your Mobile Phone unit to an Expert Technician.

Mobile Repair

If the malfunctions are simple enough to be repaired then you can do it yourself provided that you have the tools to open the case. Most phones use special screw drivers where you can only purchase from your handset’s manufacturer. The simplest repair that you can do is to clean the inside part of your unit. You can use an air blower or pressure to blow the dust particles away.

Hand phones have various small and sensitive parts which require careful handling and knowledge to avoid getting them damaged by you. I suggest that if you are not sure about what you are trying to do then forget about repairing your hand phone or it might just result into further damages. Take note that the Technician’s charge rate depends on how your unit has been greatly damaged.

Letting an experienced mobile technician handle the repair will put you at ease and make sure that it will soon be fixed. Always ask the expert to determine the technical problem of your cellular phone as well as the cost of paying their services. If it exceeds the price of your expectation then you have the choice of buying a new mobile.

The good part of buying a new cell phone is that they come with a period of warranty. You can return your hand set back to the manufacturer if it gets broken or damage from a period that ranges from 6 months to 1 year. There are some phone that does not offer any warranties but of low prices. I still suggest buying those that issue a warranty on the product or you will experience a lot of technical problem and cost on your phone. You will not be charged when you let your mobilephone with a warranty to be repaired by the manufacturer’s technician.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Meego Android Technology - Finally Combined

First, let me introduced what is MeeGo all about for the sake of those who have not encountered this type of technology yet. This is a Linux- based open source mobile operating system created by the combined innovation skill of the Nokia and Intel. This project had begun since Intel decided to develop an operating system for their net-book products.

Linux is an operating system competing with the Windows software. The good part about this OS is free to use and you can customize or make some changes on the source code. It is not recommended for those individuals who don’t have any technical knowledge to use this OS because basic programming skills are needed.

Meego and Nokia

An Android Phone is a mobile operating system which is based on a Linux kernel. This hand-set is one of the top smartphones which are popularly used in the U.S. Just like the other latest phone around it offers various interesting features such as high quality of graphics, several applications and etc...

Meego Android Technology is yet to be available but there are already some developers who are working on this project where they are trying to port Meego on the Android based Nexus One smartphone. This is the interesting part of using an open source system where you have a lot of option on how to make some changes on your phone’s firmware.

There are rumors that some developers are trying to port the Meego Android technology on the HTC and the Dell Streak. Anyway, further updates about this project will soon be posted on this blog.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Reverse Lookup Method to Any Phone Number

Have you ever experience when an unknown number call your phone and you are curious enough to know who they are?

Some might find that this act is very annoying. We do have the Caller ID that informs us who the callers are but the problem comes from those unregistered numbers. There is something that you need to be concern about your privacy and for this reason you can perform a simple reverse phone lookup. You can find the information by yourself with the help of the internet but there are times that you will need some help from a phone lookup services to do the job for you.

Let’s discuss a few steps that you can perform on your own in trying to find out who the phone number is currently registered. This can be done by using any of your favorite search engines but I would like to recommend using the Google. They are the top search engine and being used by too many searchers to find the information that they need. Now, what you simply need to do is to enter the phone number of the caller to check what result you can find. If it indicates that it is owned by a Telemarketing company or any online business establishment then you will be able to know their purpose of making a call.

Google only works well on numbers with 1-800 but a personal phone numbers are harder to be identified. For this situation, you can use an online phone lookup services. Some are free to use but most services will require you to pay a certain amount of cost.

There are more chances of being able to identify the mysterious caller if the phone number used is a landline of a certain local phone. The name and the address are surely listed on the directory which can be used as a reference. If the number is from a cellular phone then this is the hardest part of the job where you need to use paid database to acquire the information you need.

Paid reverse phone lookup services could charge you an expensive amount of fee because they will be providing you some vital information where they will allow you to have access from private data bases. You will simply enter the suspicious number of the caller and all information about him or her will be shown.

Moreover, you have to take note that you are not allowed use such services to perform illegal purposes such as using it for telemarketing business or stalking somebody else for fun. You will have to abide with the rules before you are permitted to use any reverse phone lookup services.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Personalizing your Mobile Phone

Most Cellular phones today allows you to customize your handsets on various possible ways that suits with your compatibility of usage. The Mobile Phone industry has grown into a multi-billion dollar business that simply started a few years ago. It’s for this reason why the competition on mobile technology is tough where you can no longer determine which one is the best product to buy. Latest Mobile Phones today allows the owner to have different options on how they are going to personalize their handsets. The default Wallpapers can be changed, Themes, Ring Tones and even Casing. Other personalization are accessories such as Holders, Charms and etc…

The newest feature of today’s Cellphones about the customization of your handset is the “Ringback Tone”. This function is the tone that you often hear when you try to call somebody and no one is answering. You can change your Ringback tone to anything you like where they say that it reflects your personality.

I often customize my own Mobile phone’s Ringback tone and I commonly use popular music such as Rock, Country, Jazz, Blues and R & B. Sometimes, I will record my own voice and used it to be played when somebody tries to make a call. This is not recommended to use because I experienced that most caller doesn’t believe it to be a Ring-back tone where they have a doubt that I am just trying to pretend. Another form of tone that I often use is my favorite lines taken from a certain movie where I have recorded and simply made a few editing.

You can actually store as many Ring-backs on your account allowing you to change the tone from time to time. The best and special part of this function is that you can set-up a specific Ring-back tone to any contacts on your list. The advantage of this feature is that you can always show how romantic you are from your girlfriend or wife by choosing the suitable tone for them to use.

Additional setting of the Ring-back function is that you can set it up for a group of callers. You can even assign the exact time and date that you wish for the tone to be played. Moreover, this mobile feature is still being further improved by most manufacturing companies and it is expected that they will surely come-up another form of capabilities.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Bluetooth function on your Mobilephone

Most mobile products that are available on the market have now the capability to use Bluetooth function. For some individual, this function is extremely useful to them while the others who doesn’t know how to use it cares nothing not knowing about its benefits. The primary purpose of a Bluetooth is that it allows your phone to exchange videos, music, images or any files from other unit.

There are more capabilities of today’s Bluetooth mobile technology such as the spy function. If you think that your spouse is having an affair to somebody else that you do not know then you can use the spy mode to caught them on the act of their conversation. You will be able to listen and gain evidence as a proof.

Some people have came up with a brilliant idea with regards about the Bluetooth Technology where they have collected numerous numbers of mobile phone then uploaded them on their own websites for tracking purposes. This application has been used especially for pranks but its main objective is to provide information such as cases of being cheated. The use of such services can be very expensive where you have to think twice before spending some money.

Whether you are not going to rely on using a certain device, we have the human instinct that some cheating is going on. You might not be able to prove it but not when you have the mobile phone spy software that will allow you to generate strong evidence. Information such as the numbers, names, places and etc… can be taken which will supply more details on the information that you need.

Learning how to properly use your Bluetooth mobile phone spy can greatly help you on such trouble as mentioned above. You can easily gain valuable information simply by yourself where there’s no need to hire for an expensive detective to conduct the investigation.

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