Saturday, 13 November 2010

Features of the BlackBerry 9700 Clone

Nokia is one among the top Mobile Phone brand on the market but it is the most commonly imitated or cloned phone from China. I have a few cellular phones made from China and I find them as good as the original product. The only downside is that you cannot install any new theme and application on them.

If you happen to read my previous post about the BlackBerry 9700 then this discussion is a further review about its features. It’s really good to know that imitated versions are becoming much better than the original.

Moreover, cloned version of the BlackBerry 9700 has a TV feature that comes with an auto-search function. You have to select your country from the settings before conducting a search. A progress bar will be shown indicating the number of scanned channels that are available on your location. Before conducting any searches, you have to pull-out the antenna which is located at the bottom to receive the best reception.

BlackBerry 9700 Bold China Phone

The phone also has an FM radio and you can search for a station automatically. The antenna is also required to be pulled-out to gain the best signal reception.

Just like the original, the BlackBerry 9700 clone perfectly imitates the keys and design to be almost exactly the same. You can easily input the characters without waiting any time delay. This is because the keypad composes of button keys similar to your computer keyboard.

The camera is the worst part of this mobile phone where the quality of image and video captured are very disappointing. You can either choose the back or rear camera depending on your comfort of use. If you intend of taking a picture of yourself then I recommend using the front lens. Use the back camera for taking shots of your family, friends, objects and a place. I’m sure that the camera will also be soon further improved.

This mobile phone can also play various types of audio files such as the mp3 and mp4. The same goes with the video files where you can copy your favorite clips, MTV, and movies to play and watch them comfortably. You just have to make sure that you have a phone memory with enough space to store those files.

The original file Manage Software does not work on the cloned version. This is the only tool for all BlackBerry phones that allows installation of applications, themes and games. However, the imitations of the BlackBerry 9700 have the capability to run java applications. This allows you to play any type of games that supports the java platform. As to the theme and application, it’s too sad to say that you cannot do any changes or installations.


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