Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The style of the new iPod video

Technical devices are, firstly, devices which provide a practical usage. Still, an increased concern in how these devices should look and what their particular style expresses is not insignificant, either.

The design of the new iPod video is rather unique and different from all the other models of the iPod series, which basically includes 4 generations of this device. Firstly, the design of the new iPod had to be adapted to the optimized features of the product. Secondly, the most important factor when designing this item was the fact that it had to have a large and colored screen, in order to provide the video feature at a high level. Even more, even though it is a technical device, the iPod always had a fashion of its own, which made the item, besides a provider of music (photos and now, videos), a trendy accessory, which young people preferred to wear. Considering this, the design engineers of the Apple team managed to pay an increased attention to all the aesthetical features of the device and took care of all the tiny details which actually made the iPod look great at the end.

The iPods were found on the market in various colors since their appearance. From the intense and bright pink iPod of the first generation to the elegant and popular white, the iPod managed to keep the same style, even through different colors. Even more, the most famous iPod ads were always focused on bright colors, such as orange, green, intense turquoise and lots of shiny pink. The iPod video is found on the market today in two basic colors: white and black and the choice of these colors is owed to the fact that, on one hand, the previous iPod nano had the same colors and it was a big hit product since it was launched and, on the other hand, the fact that with the new iPod video, the marketers and the advertising team wanted to promote a more serious look of this device, with a subtle and more elegant style. Still, the ear buds for this device are kept in the same color, white, as they have been since the first appearance of the iPod on the market in the year 2001.

The reviews that regard the aspect and design of the new iPod video mention the fact that some black ear buds were expected, as well, in other to fit better with the elegant look of the black iPod video. Even more, regarding the colors of the new iPod video, the reviews mention the fact that, while people expected the white iPod video to require more maintenance than the black one, the reality shows the fact that the dirt is much more visible on the black device. At the same time, Apple offers in the large package which includes the iPpod a protecting sleeve for the video device. This sleeve is colored in light grey and manages to protect the iPod and keep it clean, at the same time.

The new package of the iPod video brings many new aesthetic and stylish features: the text and the Apple logo on the box are embossed with silver, which makes the black package look elegant and elitist, which is exactly what the company wanted.


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