Friday, 18 February 2011

Samsung Travel Charger

Samsung Travel Charger
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  1. Small enough to fit in a briefcase when traveling, but is also convenient enough to be used as a secondary charger at home or in the office.
  2. Get one for the office, one for your home.
  3. Provides power to your phone while simultaneously charging your phone's battery


I love my Captivate, but I've been having bad luck with chargers. The one that came with my phone works perfectly, but I wanted another charger for my desk at work. I ordered one from AT&T, but they don't send the same charger that comes WITH the phone (moon logic), and the one they DO sell causes my touch screen to complete freak out when I try to use the phone while plugged in. So does this model here - Samsung Captivate Wall Charger - the charger seems to work fine when plugged into a computer, but plug it into a wall and you can't use your phone "at all" while it's charging because the touch screen will register your fingers everywhere.


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